For kids of 18-48 months, this lightweight balance bike features an adjustable seat and handlebar, no-puncture 10" EVA tires, and an integrated handle to make it easy to take this bike on the go with you.
Note, the seat is adjustable from 11-14.6" and the handlebar can grow from 18.9-20.1". Please review the manufacturer's manual (also provided in PDF form below) to verify assembly and safety recommendations.)
- Help familiarize your little one(s) with the concept of moving and balancing on a bike.
- Develop gross motor and spatial skills like balance, motion and coordination.
- Please take protective measures when using this bike, including the use of your own child helmet.
Age: 18 months - 4 years (recommended kids height of 31.4-41.3" and maximum load of 77 lbs.)